I started White Men Can’t Blog in 2012 with the vision of simply sharing with the world how my friends and I feel when handed challenges in life. It started out fairly strong and I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed the process. However, since this day three years ago, many different challenges have presented themselves and I have, unfortunately, faded from my group of closest friends.
When I started college, I never envisioned the future I have created for myself; and the possibilities that have opened up. As I’ve progressed through life, certain aspects of my life have dissolved into ghosts that I once used to comfort myself. One of these has been my creativity. There was a time when I could open up Photoshop or Illustrator and make absolutely beautiful works of art. Or write a story with vividness that would excite the imagination. Upon realizing how empty I’ve find myself feeling, I’ve become aware of how painfully absent my creativity is.
So, starting today, I have begun rebuilding White Men Can’t Blog from the ground up. There are many drafts I have been busy finishing and am attempting to put myself on the path of finding my inspiration. I look forward to this journey and hope anyone reading this will gladly come along for the ride. Thank you.